Process Characterization & Backward Process Propagation
User Benefits
- Check correlation between corner models with Monte Carlo distribution
- Useful for both design & production engineers

For Monte Carlo simulation statistical model parameters are needed
- Local parameter variations for device mismatch
- Global parameter variations for process variations
- Correlation parameters for the dependency between global parameters.
In many cases it is hard to calculate standard deviations and correlation coefficients for global model parameter variations that are based on statistical measurements.
From PCM measurements the standard deviations and correlation coefficients of PCM parameters (P) are well known, whereas for Monte Carlo simulation the standard deviations and correlation coefficients of model parameters (M) are needed.
With WiCkeD it is possible to set up a linear equation that describes the relations between the standard deviations and correlation coefficients of M and P and solve it in one step.

MunEDA WiCkeD – Technology Support
- WiCkeDTM & SPT Design Tool Suites
- Integrated into standard design environments
- For more information and support contact www.muneda.com

Fraunhofer ENAS at MUGM MunEDA User Group Meeting 2023
“Combining our EDM Simulator with MunEDA’s WiCkeD Tool Suite will allow very fast analysis and optimization of complex Mixed-signal systems”
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