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Webinar Invite: Optimal circuit sizing strategies for performance, low power, and high yield of analog and full-custom IP

Many thanks for your past interest in our EDA tools and solutions for automated circuit migration, verification, sizing, and optimization of custom Circuit IC and IP. Our next webinar is upcoming on

Wednesday February 2nd 2022,

and I personally invite you to join our next webinar „Optimal circuit sizing strategies for performance, low power, and high yield of analog and full-custom IP“ that we organised in collaboration with SemiWiki.

Besides creating a circuit topology, full custom design engineers must calculate device parameters such as MOS geometries and resistor values, also commonly called sizing the circuit. Sizing circuits to meet specs at all process corners and operating conditions while simultaneously minimizing power consumption and/or area has become a major challenge in full custom design, that many circuit designers are challenged with on a daily basis.

For this reason I want to personally invite you to join our next webinar „Optimal circuit sizing strategies for performance, low power, and high yield of analog and full-custom IP“ on SemiWiki on Wednesday 2022 February 2nd.

In this webinar we will discuss the full custom sizing workflow, addressing:

  • analog/mixed-signal vs full-custom digital circuit sizing
  • balancing difficult spec trade-offs at every PVT corner
  • algebraic equation solving vs numerical solvers
  • machine learning and iterative optimization vs the random spice monkey
  • optimizing for low power and small area with high parametric yield
  • saving designers’ effort and reducing runtime by efficient automation

For registration for the Wed, Feb 2, 2022 Circuit Sizing & Optimization Webinar just click on the link.

Try our latest WiCkeD Toolsuite Version 8.0

Contact us for a demo of our latest WiCkeD EDA Software Tool Version 8.0 for enhanced circuit migration, verification and characterization, sizing and optimization. See our new GUI concept and our ML-based verification and sizing methods.

Many thanks and best regards.

Andreas Ripp, Vice President Sales & Marketing, MunEDA


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